Fourth Street Beer Fest

This year's fall beer fest will take place on October 19th
Tickets will go on sale September 20th

What is Beer Fest?

In early 2022, the Fourth Street team felt it was our duty to show the people of Columbus, especially the students, what good beer is. Thus began the semi annual Fourth Street Beer Fest. One Saturday in the spring and one Saturday in the fall (the buckeye's bye week, of course) Fourth hosts some of the reps from some of the best breweries as they pour out samples of their craft brews.
Unlike some beer fests, Fourth Street focuses on more than just a drunk fest. Our beer fest is centered around what Fourth Street does best, bringing the community together. We've got reps that can talk to you for hours about their favorite hops. We've got great bands jamming inside. We've got our kitchen kicking out some amazing dishes. It's got something for everyone!